Our family

Our family

Friday, July 19, 2013

Blended Family Miracles

The last time I tried to mention our miracle, everyone ended up thinking I was pregnant. Its cause I was trying to be vague so I didn't offend my husband by talking about the negative aspects of our blended family. So I just said something like "something I thought would never happen actually happened and it was a miracle and I just love my family..." blah blah blah. Well, Im not pregnant- and being pregnant is a LOT more likely than the miracle that did happen. The miracle was simply (or magnificently) that the hearts of our children are being softened
We have been praying for this since before we were married. These beautiful young girls who have seen so much heartache simply NEED their father, but they have him blocked out of their hearts due to circumstances outside of their control (and ours). So we have been working our way in, praying earnestly, making friends of teens who would rather be enemies.
It has been slow.
It first they warmed up to me. Probably on the last day of their visit in May 2012. When they came at Christmas it took only a couple days to get them warmed again, but they would only warm to me. During Spring Break it took even less time for me, but then there was a confrontation and we seemed to lose ground. However, their Dad dealt with it marvelously. After E screamed about hating being here and how she wishes she would never come and how she was NOT going to pray and ask the Lord to help her........ then... my wonderful husband responded by telling her about the day she was born and how happy he was, and how beautiful she looked etc. By the end everyone was crying, and otherwise silent.
Then, summer came. I was SO SCARED for their vist! I was trying to become confident, but some of our phone conversations had me losing hope. However, it took only one day, maybe 10 hours, for them to warm up to me. And theyve been warmer than ever before. I would be ungrateful not to record this miracle. They just came in the door from a shopping trip with Gramma B and told me about all their amazing buys. Then E asked for advice about an eye infection she might have, and S told me about this great book she is reading. And I didnt have to ask. I didnt have to beg them to talk. AAAAND, they've been including their Dad. AAAND in their prayers (or when they are the voice of our family prayer I mean) they say "thanks that we could have fun doing (insert fun activity here) today".

MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

and part of this miracle is due to the fact that their Dad is beeeeeeyyyyond sick this month (mono-hepatitis, and he has it baaad). Their compassionate sides and really showing. *blessing*

SO, even though he is grumpy, and so contagious that I cant even kiss him, and out of work so we have no money.... I am grateful my husband is sick. hah and I am learning patience.

How have you seen Gods hand in your life this week?